I picked up a rock as I walked in the fields today. As if it were nothing. I realized that I was already veering my path to swing by my small rock pile that has been growing since I moved here. It all got me thinkin': maybe this could happen after all. Let me back up for those of you who need background.
I'm a city boy. Lived in Chicago area, Washington, D.C., Columbus and Cleveland, but I married this country girl. A girl who thought that it was downright incredible that a few weekends back I went to my first county fair. I knew that this marriage was a good fit because I've always dreamed of living in the country, running a small farm. More on that some other time. Well now we've moved back to the country, and I have this as my backyard.

The economy as it is, this electrician, researcher, high school teacher couldn't find a job. And there it was. That little voice that has always been going on in the back of my head screamed, "I WILL NO LONGER BE IGNORED!!!" Do I start a farm? Can I start a farm? These are the musings of a city boy with a lot of education but little knowledge jumping into farming. A farm that he just can't think of a name for.