Yeah, this blog has been quiet for quite some time. I've been busy. The title of this post is "Let it snow" because I'm pretty sure the beautiful Indian summer the Michigan has been having has been a blessing from God while I finish up the trellis. Well let the snow fly, God, 'cuz I'm done!! Here are a few pics of this accomplishment.

The F.R.O.G. owners after finishing planting all the poles.

Couldn't have done it without Bo.

Foggy morning shot

Stringing the cable on the last endpole.

From the top of the tallest pole

See.... They're all kinda straight

Finished Hopyard!!!
Thanks go out to all those who helped: my father for original design and surveying, David and Kristen, for coming up for a cold, busy weekend of dragging poles and putting together hardware, Brian and Tom for physical, mental, and intellectual help, and especially Cindy and Bo for watching the youngest F.R.O.G. and doing the heavy stuff for many weekends. Also, thanks to Sarah for understanding why every time she came home I disappeared into the back fields. You can have your husband back now.