Monday, January 31, 2011

Post Solstice

The Winter Solstice came and went and as a result the days are getting longer.  This means a few things on the Fresh Roots Farm.  First, I've learned (being that this is my first spring with them) the chickens respond to longer days by getting broody.  Each time I go in there now, two or three of the hens are sitting on their eggs in attempt to hatch them.  They don't like it when I take their eggs.  The hiss and peck.  This has prompted be to put a big stick in there, so that I can poke them when I come into the coop.  This makes them jump out of the next box, leaving eggs for easy retrieval.
Second sign of spring is the arrival of seed catalogs.  Sarah and I have been spending evenings pouring through these to find the perfect collection of things to try this summer.  We only got 4 last year, but as you can see, the word is out that we have a farm now.
Third, its time to get back into shape.  A little bit of rigorous work recently has left me winded.  Winter has made me soft.  So its back on the treadmill for me.  Today, during Mickey Mouse clubhouse for Adeline, I did 5 miles at an easy pace.  Once the cardio is back where it should be I'll hit the weight bench.  By spring I should be ready to do the rigor that spring farming demands with no trouble.  I recently heard a fellow farmer say, "why ever would a farmer join a gym," implying that farming is work out enough...  well not during the winter it seems.

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